What Are the Best Social Media Tools

Updated February. x, 2021

Let's be honest, social media is a jungle. Forget most the overflowing of apps, integrations, and add-ons, ust figuring which network yous should invest in is overwhelming.

What if you could ask today's influential online marketers one question: "What social media tool is your all-time, desert-island, can't-live-without favorite?"

That's what I did.

What follows are – by any listing or metric – fifty big names in online marketing, content marketing, and e-commerce along with their top social-media tool and reason for loving information technology.

i. Instagram

Ann Handley, c hief content officeholder, MarketingProfs

"Instagram is my favorite social network because of its social storytelling simplicity. From fun personal accounts – similar Minor Chalk and Adam Padilla – to corporate brands, it connects more than immediately and securely with people than any other platform. I even so oasis't forgiven them for introducing an algorithm. (Chronological was so much more than in line with the ethos of the platform.) Merely I can't quit y'all, Insta."

An image showing a screenshot of Ann Handley's Instagram account.

[e-mail protected] is my favorite social network because of its social #storytelling simplicity, says @annhandley via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

two. Twitter

Joe Pulizzi, founder, Content Marketing Institute

"I utilise social media every bit almost a pure response vehicle. And I won't start any new social media app, platform, or tool until I'm 100% committed to it. My goal with Twitter is to continue in affect and communicate my appreciation to those people that support me. Once I built an audience on those platforms, my goals and execution changed."

An image of Joe Pulizzi's Killing Marketing Twitter account.

3. Buffer

Joanna Wiebe, creator, Copyhackers

"Buffer. Three reasons. (1) Y'all tin install a browser widget that lets you Buffer any page or image you lot come across to exist sent immediately or later on. (ii) Its Content Inbox: I can enter the URL of a favorite blog and Buffer instantly creates a huge list of tweets from that web log. (3) The company is transparent. I don't wait every company to publish what they earn vs. what they pay people the way Buffer does, but it's a warm-and-fuzzy arroyo to helping disconnected folks like moi see the humans behind a software visitor."

An image showing Buffer's website.

4. BuzzSumo

Neil Patel, entrepreneur and influencer, NeilPatel.com

"With BuzzSumo you can see what is hot in your space on social media and what isn't. From there you tin craft ideas on the type of web log posts you lot should write to generate traffic and leads. The best part about BuzzSumo is information technology shows who has shared the content then you tin can reach out to those influencers and inquire them to share your content as well."

An image showing a screenshot of Most Shared blog posts via BuzzSumo.

Employ @BuzzSumo and so you tin see what'due south hot in your infinite on #SocialMedia & what isn't, says @neilpatel via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

5. Animoto

Mari Smith, Facebook marketing expert

"Native video is the elevation-reaching post type on Facebook and gets 3 times the appointment of link posts and 2 times that of photo posts. I love using Animoto'due south gorgeous templates, themes, and stock music. Its marketing builder tool also makes information technology super-duper easy to add text overlays – vital for audio-off autoplay videos in the Facebook newsfeed considering lxxx% of video ads on Facebook are watched with audio off."

80% of video ads on #Facebook are watched with sound off. Apply text overlays, says @MariSmith via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

6. Moz's Fresh Web Explorer

Rand Fishkin, f ounder, SparkToro

"Next to BuzzSumo – and without sounding biased – my favorite tool is Moz'southward Keyword Explorer brand mention feature. It's dandy for setting up mention alerts likewise equally finding content to share socially through keyword notifications. The mention authority feature works directly with Moz'south folio and domain dominance metrics and helps sort through all the dissonance you normally get with catch-all monitoring tools."

An image showing a screenshot showing the results of Moz's Fresh Web Explorer Mention Authority Feature.

7. Tweeps Map

Brian D. Evans, founder, Influencive

"The problem with a lot of marketing these days is that it's not laser targeted and is far too broad. I use Tweeps Map because it gives me a visual representation of where my followers are geographically. I can and then run targeting to followers from specific areas and brand sure that the content is relevant and valuable for those followers."

An image showing a map of Brian Evans followers using the Tweet Maps tool.

viii. Sumo

Jeff Bullas, CEO, JeffBullas.com

"Sumo is a hybrid tool that's a bit like a Swiss Army pocketknife. It'southward helped me thrive and survive in the wilds of the digital world by creating social-sharing buttons – onsite, SMS, Flipboard, and WhatsApp – and tracking my social counts on weblog posts. The characteristic I really love is its Welcome Mat: a popular-up that captures emails. In less than 12 months, it's collected over 40,000 email subscribers."

I love @SumoMe's Welcome Mat pop-up feature that captures emails, says @jeffbullas via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

nine. Tailwind

Candice Galek, founder, Karma Honey Projection

"Tailwind has been a lifesaver over the years, assuasive my team to work more quickly and efficiently when posting to Pinterest. It'southward a scheduling app on steroids, helping you to choose not only when to post for maximum engagement but as well what might go viral thank you to their pixel-matching technology and image recognition capabilities. You tin seamlessly measure pin virality and repost that content to go on to grow your following on the platform.

Don't slumber on Pinterest. Their introverted user base of operations is keen on consuming online content, and Tailwind helps y'all to go it in forepart of more than potential customers faster."

Don't sleep on #Pinterest. Their introverted user base is peachy on consuming online #content, and @tailwindapp helps you get it in front end of more potentials customers faster, says @bikinigeek via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

10. Elevate

Jason Miller, head of brand, ActiveCampaign

"I like to keep things simple and streamlined: Less is more. The tool I utilize religiously is Elevate: LinkedIn'south employee advocacy tool. I employ information technology to share, organize, and mensurate all the content I post across my primary 3 social accounts: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. I share daily from Elevate and track engagements."


11. Twitter Promote Mode

Brian Clark, founder, Copyblogger

"At present that the days of organic social media distribution for content marketing are long in the rear view, the nearly valuable social media tools are the advert features of the platforms themselves. Facebook (and Instagram), of course, but besides Twitter given its high-profile resurgence. We're testing Twitter Promote Fashion, which for a recurring monthly fee promises to give constant broader reach – just like the good sometime days."

An image showing a screenshot of Twitter Promote Mode.

12. Facebook Audience Insights

Larry Kim, f ounder, MobileMonkey

"I'm big into audiences: figuring out what are the interests, behaviors, and demographics of your target customers. For this, I use Facebook Audition Insights because it tells you lot merely about everything y'all'd want to know: job titles, educational activity level, lifestyle, location, household information, purchasing behavior, and much more.

"By better understanding who your target audience is, you tin more accurately create content that they're likely to appoint with."

An image showing a screenshot of Facebook Audience Insights that shows you job titles, education level, lifestyle, location, household information, and purchasing behavior.

Use #Facebook Audience Insights to better understand who your target audition is, says @larrykim via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

13. Sprout Social

Reilly Roberts, marketing managing director, Common Thread Collective

"Every marketer has their own approach and needs from a social media tool. Regardless of the tools' unique features, the ane need we all have in common is tracking the performance of the content nosotros're sharing. Not only does Sprout Social measure out operation indicators like engagement and clicks, most importantly, it offers UTM tracking.

"The ease of Sprout's UTM Tracker allows my social efforts to be aligned with efforts to optimize and bulldoze traffic, every bit measured past Google Analytics."

An image of Sprout Social's UTM Tracker.

Note: This article'due south author works at Common Thread Collective.

14. Kicksta (formerly Kickstagram)

Cammi Pham, p artner, ThinkRenegade

"With the new Instagram algorithm modify, consistently posting at the correct time has go fifty-fifty more of import. Kicksta makes it easier to upload, process photos, schedule, and add hashtags to the first annotate from desktop. For hashtags, I use 80% fixed and 20% tailored. This gives my team more time to focus on real-time engagement, which is life or death on social."

Real-time engagement is life or death on #social, says @cammipham via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

15. TikTok

Shanelle Mullin, experimentation & analysis pb, Shopify

"Historically, marketers have been hesitant to jump on curt-course video platforms, despite social media every bit an industry consistently moving in that direction (come across Snapchat, Instagram Stories, Fleets, Reels, Shorts, etc.) Before TikTok, at that place was Vine, Dubsmash, Musical.ly, Triller, etc. Currently, forecasts predict TikTok will tiptop ane.2B monthly active users (MAU) in 2021, putting it among Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, YouTube, and WeChat. After TikTok, there will be some other platform focused on short-term video.

"Whether it's running influencer campaigns with TikTok celebrities, using TikTok for Business organization to run paid ads, or edifice an organic branded audience, marketers would be wise to have a presence on this platform in 2021 and beyond. It'south not just for Gen Zers who beloved to dance; the rest of united states of america are but better at hiding our (over)usage. Too, the short-grade video content you create for TikTok can always be distributed across *checks notes* near every other major social media platform."

Whether it'due south running influencer campaigns with celebrities, paid ads, or building an organic branded audience, marketers would exist wise to have a presence on #TikTok in 2021 and beyond, says @shanelle_mullin via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

sixteen. Venngage

Ross Simmonds, d igital strategist, RossSimmonds.com

"My favorite tool is Venngage. Every bit someone who really likes experimenting with the potential of visual content and visual communication, having access to an infographics tool that is so easy to use speeds up my visual output. Whether y'all are creating graphics for social, SlideShare, or a presentation, Venngage is super versatile and intuitive."


Pam Moore, CEO and founder, Marketing Nutz

"I dear using If This And then That (IFTTT) to enable native posting of images on Twitter that are originally posted to Instagram. You tin set specific criteria by using hashtags or set it to post to Twitter automatically past default. IFTTT likewise offers a well-nigh limitless supply of social and cantankerous-platform 'recipes.'"

18. Rival IQ

Jay Baer, f ounder, Convince & Convert

"Rival IQ is a terrific tool to compare your own social media date charge per unit and top-performing content versus your competitors'. Insightful and like shooting fish in a barrel to use, it includes automatic, custom reporting. Ane click and BAM – you have a PDF or PowerPoint deck with all the information you demand to make better social media decisions. We use it daily."

An image showing a screenshot of Facebook Post Engagement Rate by week from Rival IQ. Use @RivalIQ to compare your own #SocialMedia engagement & top #content vs competitors', says @jaybaer via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

19. Yotpo

Griffin Thall, co-founder, Pura Vida Bracelets

"Instagram has always been Pura Vida's dominant channel. We're the No. 1, nearly-engaged jewelry brand there and that has everything to do with our influencers, micro-influencers, aesthetics, and — above all — our amazing community.

"But if I had to option i tool, it'd be Yotpo. We accept over 319,000 five-star reviews and that kind of social proof drives conversions like zero else. Still, it's Yotpo'due south social integrations — things like easily sourcing, finding, publishing, sharing, and presenting user-generated content — and doing all that natively that makes information technology so irreplaceable."

A screenshot of the Yotpo user interface showing Pure Vida Bracelets lifetime total of 5 star reviews: 394,875.

Prototype source

xx. Followerwonk

Michael Brenner, CEO, Marketing Insider Group

"Twitter remains my principal social media platform. Only solitary, Twitter'south unmanageable. That's why I use Followerwonk to understand who my audition is, when they are most likely to engage, and to detect followers who overlap with similar social profiles and influencers. Its analyze feature – which integrates with Buffer – tells you exactly when to post your nigh important updates for exposure."

An image showing a screenshot showing the most active results for Michael Brenner's followers by Followerwonk.

[e-mail protected] tells yous exactly when to post your near important updates on #Twitter, says @BrennerMichael via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

21. CoSchedule

Andy Crestodina, co-founder and manager, Orbit Media

"This one is going to drive more than traffic in less time than all your other tools combined. It'south like Buffer, but it never runs dry. Posts scheduled in CoSchedule tin can stay in rotation. In one case you've vetted your all-time stuff based on historical data, fix upward CoSchedule to share on your network(south) of choice at least a few times per day. You lot just saved yourself six to eight hours per month at to the lowest degree."

An image showing a screenshot of CoSchedule dashboard.

[email protected] is going to drive more traffic in less time than all your other tools combined, says @crestodina via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

22. WordSwag

Rachel Pedersen, social media strategist

"Ever wish you had a 24/7 graphic designer to plow your social media ideas into gorgeous graphics? Then you will love WordSwag. It is a mobile application that turns your ideas, quotes, and content into bonny graphics that tin can be shared on Facebook, Instagram, and anywhere. In less than v minutes, yous have a high quality and visually appealing graphic that will make your followers think you accept a graphic designer on telephone call."

An image showing an Instagram account that uses Wordswag tool.

23. Quuu

Shane Barker, d igital strategist, ShaneBarker.com

"Quuu is a hand-curated and content-promotion platform. I use the promotion side to distribute everything. Each commodity is reviewed by a existent person earlier it is approved because the goal is to promote only the highest quality content. In one case the article gets the light-green lite, Quuu adds it to its huge distribution network, which is absurd, equally I tin can and so run across the amount of shares and clicks for each article."

An image showing the amount of shares and clicks for each article using Quuu.

24. Oktopost

Murray Newlands, c o-founder, Due.com

"About B2B companies on social media are missing a huge opportunity. Staff, customers, and clients won't post positive comments unless they dearest you. Beyond that, you take to become proactive and brand sharing piece of cake. Oktopost's amplify and collaborate features are congenital to do exactly that: internally and externally. Just beloved has to exist the foundation."

An image showing the social dashboard for Oktopost.

25. Ahrefs

Josh Steimle, published author

"By connecting Ahrefs to Google Search Console and with some simple configuring, I can monitor my own website every bit well as those of competitors to get ideas for new keywords I can use for blogging, YouTube videos, and social media posts.

I especially like the "Search suggestions" feature in the Keyword Explorer section because it makes it easy to discover keywords and see the data I want. Ahrefs gives each keyword a difficulty score, shows me local and global search volume, and expected clicks.

While nosotros tend to think of SEO as a Google+ website game, I besides use this for LinkedIn, my favorite social media platform. By collecting keywords in the Rank Tracker section of Ahrefs, I can monitor which keywords have the most book and include those words in my LinkedIn posts, using web search popularity as a hint as to what may also be popular on LinkedIn, or at least popular relative to other relevant keywords I'thou targeting."

An image showing a screenshot of Ahrefs Search suggestions feature.

26. Facebook Messenger

Sujan Patel, co-f ounder, Mailshake

"Social media is condign more personal and customers are actually talking to companies. I'one thousand not talking near comments or high-level conversations. I'm talking virtually customers set to make a transaction. That'south why I love Facebook Messenger. Facebook has done a great job empowering business organisation owners to communicate directly with their customers and, with the introduction of bots, Messenger is going to have a big impact in the coming years."

An image showing how Facebook Messenger communicates with customers. It shows the order confirmation and status of a customer's shipment to delivery.

27. Shield – LinkedIn Analytics

Johnathan Dane, f ounder, KlientBoost

"There's a new social media tool I'm in dearest with. It helps me and my leadership team run into our organic LinkedIn growth in terms of appointment, achieve, and followers. Shield helps you encounter side-by-side comparisons of which posts gave you lot the all-time metrics you care almost.

But it's not just that.

We pair this with targeting dream clients we'd like to work with by sending custom connection requests to go them into our LinkedIn sphere of influence (multiple KlientBoost people will ship connection requests over time) so we can run across impressions from people we truly care about seeing our content.

Over time it feels like we've developed this "LinkedIn Mafia," and I'm unsure if I should be sharing this strategy with y'all guys."

28. Brand24

John Rampton, CEO and co-founder, Due

"I actually like Brand24's dashboard to come across every person who mentioned my brand on social media. I tin then go and reply individually. This enables my brand to be on peak of the good, the bad, and the amazing customers that are sharing feedback. Y'all can even monitor your competition and take advantage of the potential customers out there that need your assist."

An image showing Brand24's dashboard to see every person who mentioned my brand on social media.

29. AgoraPulse

Neal Schaffer, social media consultant

"AgoraPulse is a comprehensive social media dashboard along the lines of a Hootsuite, but it offers some unique functionality. The feature that I virtually love is auto mail with queues. Basically, it's a killer characteristic for companies who have lots of evergreen content and want to share information technology on a periodic footing across a wide multifariousness of social networks. You can choose to mail from your queue equally oft or as picayune as you'd like and stop sharing on a certain appointment, which is perfect if you are promoting an upshot."

An image showing an AgoraPulse screenshot of auto post with queues feature.

30. Qwaya

Ed Leake, m anaging director, Midas Media

"Marketers often overlook one big aspect of social – native advertizement. As a paid click and data guy, I love Qwaya because it allows me to care for and optimize Facebook as I would AdWords: robust campaign structuring, split-testing, and automation tool set. If CTRs drib or CPC jumps … pause it. Might sound simple, but when you lot're managing large accounts and budgets, it'due south a godsend."

An image showing a screenshot of Owava tool.

Optimize #Facebook campaigns with @QwayaSocial as you would with search and AdWords, says @EdLeake via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

31. Evernote

Gerry Moran, g lobal caput of social media, Cognizant

"The primal to every successful social media strategy is content that tells a story. However, the story doesn't e'er get crafted in one sitting. It evolves from a drove of photos, blithe GIFs, infographics, a line from a song, a proverb from my grandmother, everyday hurting points, scribbled design thinking on a whiteboard, industry facts, etc. Evernote gives me a fashion to organize my storytelling, making my social media strategy more successful."

An image showing a screenshot of the Evernote tool.

32. ClickToTweet

Brian Dean, f ounder, Backlinko

"ClickToTweet gives your readers an immediate and piece of cake manner to share your content by creating one-click boxes of preloaded Tweets, hashtags, and mentions. Blog integration is super non-technical and they even have a ClickToTweet generator you can apply to add links to emails and PDFs. More opportunities to share equals more shares. It's that simple. I used it on this post and got 20% more tweets than my average."

An image showing an example of a tweet using the clicktotweet tool.

33. Twitter

Glen Gilmore, f ounder, Gilmore Business Network

"At the risk of following Joe Pulizzi, Twitter is also my favorite tool. However, I utilize it a bit differently than nigh by creating niche accounts to share and strop my evolving passions while creating community and influence – @TravelEsquire, @FinancialSM, @HealthcareSMM, @SocialMediaLaw1, @ChinaDigitalBiz, etc. Then I build Twitter lists to track key opinion leaders and the competition."

An image showing Glen Gilmore's Twitter account.

34. Canva

Matthew Toren, co-founder, Kidpreneurs

"Canva is a very handy browser-based design tool that makes it super straightforward for non-designers like me to create impressive images. Visual content has become then important for social media posts to help tell the story of your postal service and content. I've noticed that my visual content gets almost 23% more than clicks vs. non-visual. I dear the fact that I can optimize the size for any social platform I demand to use the blueprint for."

#VisualContent is important for #SocialMedia posts to assist tell the story of your content says @matthewtoren via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

35. Instagram Story DMs

Amy Porterfield, online marketing skilful

"I love how I am able to connect directly with my audience through Instagram Story DMs. Information technology's a game-changer. Because of the 'Ask Me A Question' feature, I have been able to non simply encounter where my audience is struggling in their online businesses but as well offer real-fourth dimension, personal solutions to help them. In the past, I've felt a bit asunder from my community across the various social media channels, just this has brought a new level of engagement that feels real to me and ultimately helps my business grow."

An image showing the Ask Me A Question' feature.

36. Sendible

Kristi Hines, freelance author

"Sendible has about of the features you will find in other social media direction tools: scheduling, automated sharing via RSS feed, analytics, squad management, and keyword monitoring. What sets it autonomously is the number of networks it connects to: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram (via electronic mail reminder), Tumblr, Medium, Instapaper, Pocket, Flickr, Delicious, Slack, and more."

An image that shows the number of networks Sendible connects to: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram (via email reminder), Tumblr, Medium, Instapaper, Pocket, Flickr, Delicious, Slack, and more.

37. Bit.ly

Shayla Price, B2B content marketer

"Bit.ly is a must-have tool for your social media stack. The platform does more only shorten links. You lot can use information technology to runway links, mensurate performance from your campaigns, and learn which channels bring in the most traffic. I utilize Bit.ly to monitor the daily action of all my marketing and growth efforts forth with near of my clients so I can attribute and track my efforts."

Utilise link shorteners similar @Bitly ‏to rail links & learn which channels bring in most traffic: @shaylaprice Click To Tweet

38. PromoRepublic

Natasha Zo, founder of Cosa Famosa Agency

"I am on a mission to amplify the letters of multiply clients worldwide through social media. Later we striking a tipping point as an agency, my team was not able to handle everything in the old, native manner. I tried diverse tools earlier I found PromoRepublic, but none of them provided an all-in-ane parcel — a social media calendar and editable content templates for clients to build their social media visibility and a "white label" platform to grow the agency business.

The white-label platform, in particular, helped the states to get more clients on board than nosotros expected in a shorter period of time. One more than do good worth mentioning is their (also white label) reselling collaboration program, which helps me to increment ROI."

39. InShot

Dan Knowlton, co-founder, Knowlton

"Since social media algorithms have evolved in 2018 and the platforms consistently penalize users for automation, we've cut back a lot with social media automation tools.

Notwithstanding, ane tool we proceed to utilise to create social video content on the go is InShot. Information technology'south super quick and easy to edit creative video in diverse size formats."

forty. Semrush

Robbie Richards, founder , robbierichards.com

"While Semrush is amend known for its SEO and PPC competitor research, it has more recently added a Social Media Toolkit to the platform. The toolkit is a handy 1-terminate-store for managing and tracking all your social media profiles. In addition to the usual post scheduling, editing, and tracking, Semrush allows you to too uncover which content types and topics go the most date in the industry and for your competitors. Y'all can fifty-fifty create campaigns and boost ads on Facebook and Instagram from directly inside the Semrush interface. It is a great option for anyone looking for a tool that goes beyond post scheduling and wants more granular competitor and industry insights that will drive topic choice and post frequency."

An image of the Semrush user interface showing when fans are online, people by countries, people by language, and demographics.

Use the @semrush #SocialMediaToolkit if you want more granular competitor and industry insights that will drive topic choice and post frequency, says @RobbieRichMktg via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

41. Pocket

Kevan Lee, marketing leader, Polly

"Pocket helps me batch all my social media reading. I can find interesting stuff, save it to Pocket, get back to work, then read it all later. Plus, it has some smooth integrations with sharing directly to Twitter and Facebook or sending straight to Buffer. And it has its own recommendations area that might be 1 of the few remaining unknown areas to build a following and authority, not to mention collect content for curation."

Use a tool like @Pocket to batch all your #SocialMedia reading for later, says @kevanlee via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

42. Postal service Planner

Diana Adams, o wner, Adams Consulting Grouping, Inc.

"Sophisticated marketers know that appointment is the near important (and hardest) metric to boom, and that'south where Mail service Planner comes in. Information technology was built for appointment and gives y'all admission to the most viral posts on Facebook and Twitter (regardless of your niche). Plus, it provides a huge list of status ideas. My favorite feature is the recycle button to load upwardly evergreen content and so it posts in one case a week or one time a month … or whatever."

An image of the post planner social tool recycle button feature to load up evergreen content.

43. Clubhouse

William Harris, founder, Elumynt

"The matter I beloved about Clubhouse, which is technically a platform merely could as well be considered a "tool," is that I've been using it for coincidental, impromptu, "fireside chats." No need to make a huge program, you tin start upwardly a room with the right people and the right topic, send out a few invites, and the room can grow pretty apace. Simply the content is what I love there. People seem to be willing to "say" more than they would on Twitter or LinkedIn. It's more off-the-gage, and you can actually hear their passion through prosody — the energy engages you lot. And the best part is that yous don't have to be a "panelist" when the room starts. Anyone, regardless of their "follower count," can heighten their paw to be on the panel, ask a question, or requite an answer, which tin can really open up up doors for people that are just getting started."

An image showing a screenshot of a Clubhouse room.

44. LinkedIn

Benji Hyam, co-founder, Grow and Convert

"LinkedIn is great for prospecting. Before I exercise common cold outreach, I look at the person'south profile and practise as much research nearly them equally possible. Simple touches like including common contacts, their task title, and by projects they've shared dramatically increase your chances of getting a response. Customize your messages and relate to them based on the information gathered. Above all, be personal not robotic."

When doing outreach on @LinkedIn, be personal, not robotic, says @benjihyam via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

45. Buffer

Jon Morrow, f ounder, SmartBlogger

"Beingness completely honest, our teams don't do a lot on social media … However, given that my goal with social is but to stay active – and to become the virtually out of the investment – Buffer is my go-to tool for scheduling updates. It'south easy to use, time-efficient, and covers all my social-media bases."

46. Repost

Monina Wagner, southward ocial media community director, Content Marketing Institute

"In social media, relationships matter. Repost is a simple yet constructive tool that takes the claiming out of engaging with others by sharing content while giving credit. The app gives brands an opportunity to tell their story with user-generated content – creating a positive emotional experience, edifice consumer loyalty, and securing customer retention."

In #SocialMedia, relationships matter, says @moninaw via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

47. Ubersuggest

Chirag Kulkarni, partner and CMO, Medly Pharmacy

Ubersuggest is a tool I love using for annihilation content, analytics, or SEO. One of my favorite features is the keyword ideas tab. After typing in a particular keyword, you immediately get admission to data like the full search volume, pages that rank for that keyword, the estimated number of visits that the folio gets, forth with PPC numbers, all for free. It's been extremely valuable for doing an assay before pulling the trigger on optimization.

An image showing a screenshot of Ubersuggest's keyword ideas tab.

48. Twitter Polls

Nadya Khoja, CMO, Venngage

"I've found a lot of great value recently in conducting Twitter Polls as a fashion to pre-validate insights in order to guide new data-driven content ideas. In a recent benchmark report, nosotros conducted on information storytelling, one major learning was that 42% of marketers are looking to study on marketplace research information through visual content formats. But knowing what type of marketplace research to conduct in itself is hard to decide. With Twitter Polls, you tin get a strong idea of what management to go into by request simple questions to your audition. The ones that tend to perform better organically can be an indicator of what might besides perform well through promoted channels too. Besides, the data that yous collect from those mini-surveys can brand great social charts or social infographics to drive engagement from your target market!"

An image showing a Twitter Poll example for internal guidance on a product update.

49. Web log

Heidi Cohen, c hief content officeholder, Actionable Marketing Guide

"My favorite social media tool isn't a tool. It's a course of social media: a blog. Your blog is owned media you back up with quality content. Done well, you can optimize your blog for social media, search, influencers, and your business. On that front end, two tools stand out. My favorite blog plugin is Yoast for SEO. And I dear Feedburner because it distributes posts via email when they're published. Like I've said before: 'Hands down, email is the king of social media.'"

An image showing a blog post example.

#Email is the king of #socialmedia, says @heidicohen via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

50. You

Tommy Walker, founder, WalkerBots Content Studios

"Yous are your own best tool. Focus on the craft of writing and piece of work constantly. Brusk-form, long-form, and everything in between. Twitter, and all the other social media sites, on their own, give you admission, but it's the writing that sparks involvement and keeps them hooked.

"Excellent writing carries itself and makes the rest of the piece of work infinitely easier. Place your patterns and intermission them. Seriously, this is a big one that holds everyone back.

"Exist unique. Earn your byline. Brand it something to be proud of. If they tin can't tell it's Y'all without the byline, go back, focus on your craft."

Registration is now open for Content Marketing World 2021. Get the lowest rate available when you sign upwardly now.

Please note: All tools included in our blog posts are suggested by authors, non the CMI editorial team. No one post can provide all relevant tools in the space. Feel free to include additional tools in the comments (from your company or ones that you have used).

Cover prototype by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Establish.

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